The game currently has two playable characters which are completely different – giving the game quite a bit of variety in terms of play style. One slightly annoying aspect is that it seems you need 4 piece of the same armour to upgrade the quality as opposed to 3 (which is sort of what the UI suggests). While you don’t have to, if you want more gold and a better card selection – it will be in your interest to do so. My biggest issue with the game is that in a way you are “forced” to watch videos after each battle to get the better loot. The game is also easy to pick up and drop as it will save your progress on your last run. Overall the game takes some clever and familiar mechanics and delivers an enjoyable and challenging experience. There are different types of armour and armour sets that provide unique set bonuses which will give you a better chance at the start of the battle. Each piece of armour can then be upgraded using gold to increase the base stats that it provides (gloves boost attack, helmets boost defence, chest pieces boost health).

Your adventures will get you gold and armour – armour can be upgraded in quality by merging 4 alike pieces. Sometimes you will get to choose a way to improve your deck or heal up, other times you will have to choose which enemy you would like to take on. Every time you beat an enemy you will advance on your current adventure – you will get to choose a card to add to your deck (for this adventure only) and a choice of what to do next. It is a simple concept based around fighting various mobs using a deck of various cards. The game has likely drawn a good deal of inspiration from the popular Slay the Spire. Card Guardians (as it should be called) is a deck building turn based combat game by Tapps Games – PT.