If you have rooted your device then you can use root explorer in ES File Explorer to change folder properties. The “Tools” section is populated with useful utilities such as a download manager, SD card analyst, music player, and recycle bin. The “Network” section has many options to let your Android device connect with your computer wirelessly. The “Library” section allows you to browse and perform useful actions on your images, music, movies, documents, and apps stored in your device. The “Local” section allows you to explore your device’s SD card storage and modify and organize your files and folders easily. The “Favorite” section has a built-in app for browsing Facebook, YouTube, and Google services. Slide the toolbar from left to right to highlight five interesting sections of this app. It also features shortcuts for quick access to bookmarks, tools, and network related tools. The upper section of this app gives you overall information about the number of images, music, movies, apps, and summary of the storage used by these contents. Follow the precise instructions.The user interface of ES File Explorer is quite intuitive, partly because of some similarities in the feature set with File Explorer for Windows and also because it does not require a complicated setup. This method works for both Windows PC & Mac. Give permissions for installing unknown apps to your File Manager i.e. Installing APK file via File Commander File Commander asking for Unknown App Installation Permissions. Sending Files to Chromecast with Google TV via Send Files to TV SFTTV on Chromecast.